Portland Weather
Portland weather can be very different depending on the season, and Portland does have 4 distinct seasons. During the summer, weather in Portland is known to be warm with very little humidity. During the months of November through February, it gets 50% of its annual rainfall. So here is what you really need to know about Portland’s weather.
- Portland has little to no rain between July and September with 144 days of sun per year.
- Of the 3 main cities in the NW (Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver, BC), Portland has the warmest average temperature, the highest number of sunshine hours, and the fewest inches of rainfall and snowfall.
- The average high in July, Portland’s warmest month, is 79 degrees, and the average low in January, Portland’s coldest month, is 37 degrees.
- Contrary to popular myths, it only rains 155 days per year in Portland.
- Portland doesn’t usually get very cold, and only falls below freezing 33 days per year and only falls below 20 degrees 2 days per year on average.
- Portland rarely sees snow, and on average only receives 4.1 inches annually, which usually falls over a 2-3 day period. On top of that, 25% of Portland winters see no snow what so ever.